Friday, September 6, 2013

Incredible Choice Bontempi Casa Oasi Dining Table

Bontempi Casa Oasi Dining Table... Worthwhile this kind of dining furniture is quite useful indeed. You might put it to use in many instances. You would like to have dinner at home a lot if an excellent set of dinner furniture is in place. If you are performing a cost evaluation of Bontempi Casa Oasi Dining Table? This implies you are potentially intrigued by and would love to get this dining table furniture. It is actually by far suggested to other folks by lots of buyers. Don't hesitate to go on to read much more information and look at price of the dining table furniture.

  • Overall dimensions: 29.5'' H x 41.7'' W x 74.8'' - 114.2'' D
  • Overall Height - Top to Bottom: 29.5 inches
  • Overall Width - Side to Side: 41.7 inches
  • Overall Product Weight: 515 lbs

Where Can I Buy A Good Dining Table?

  • Base / Column: Stainless steel
  • Top and extensions: Gloss extra white glass
  • Made in Italy

Bontempi Casa Oasi Dining Table... Make wonderful dinner meal along with perfectly prepared on good dining furniture set. Hi there. You might be doubtful about Bontempi Casa Oasi Dining Table.Therefore you are looking out to gather additional info regarding it. That's right, you now have come to just the right site to get some more info relevant to this table furniture.

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Sergio Giobbi was born in 1942 in the Pisa neighborhood, spending his childhood between shipyards and workshops, developing a deep passion for everything ''under construction''. He graduates in Architecture at the Florence University , where he remains from 1970 through 1980 as assistant teacher of Interior Design collaborating with Leonardo Savioli. He then enters the Savioli staff, dealing with important projects and concourses, including the Lamezia Terme airport. In the same time he begins to work in the furniture industry, achieving excellent results. His design research has always been focused on two basic issues: the modularity of the elements to be matched together and to result highly industrialized, and the movement to make the product easier to be exploited by the consumer. In 1980 an architecture project of his is exhibited at the Venice Biennale, and he is also awarded with the ''Construction and Furniture Oscar.'' In 1983 he wins the ''Challenge for a rational furniture proposal'' of Tuscany region. In 1987 begins his collaboration with Segis, a very creative relationship also due to the company technological know-how. He designs several products, among the latest the Clip-Clap and the Et voil tables. During the '90s many of his have been selected for the ''Premio Design Italian'' award in Rome. In 2003 a miniature of his project has been exhibited at the Padua show ''La Grande Svolta Anni '60''. His work is mentioned on such international design books and magazines as ''Industrial Design Review'', '' Repertorio del Design italiano'' and others. Collaborates, among others, with: Albet Laminates, Bontempi, Busnelli GI, Giovannetti, Steel Line, Toncelli and, naturally, Segis. Lives and works in Florence. A table flexible/its proportion but also a piece of furniture/an unmistakable shape. The characteristic of this table is the monolithic base which makes this table unique and offers the possibility of using each and any part of it. It is truly an oasis of elegance and easiness. Designed by: Sergio Giobbi

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