Bontempi Casa Ugo Dining Table... Awesome item just like this dining table furniture you should not neglect. You can make your own house decor pefect using these kind of dining furniture. Hi there. Trying to find a good price of Bontempi Casa Ugo Dining Table? You can go on and check out the price tag as you may find this table less expensive and satisfy your spending plan. Even so, price is not the primary thing that matters the most. You can easily take a more closely look into the specifications and see if it truly is the item you want or may be not.
Bontempi Casa Ugo Dining Table
Where Can I Buy A Good Dining Table?
- Designed by: Erresse Studio
- Metal frame
- Characterized by extreme versatility
- Height adjustable top and extensions
- Transitions to an informal dining table thanks to a concealed mechanism
- Extension width
Bontempi Casa Ugo Dining Table... You may perhaps like to modify your own dinner furniture in order to set up a different experience. A few other products may very well be very much like this table. But why you would need to purchase it. How come many people look at Bontempi Casa Ugo Dining Table as another good merchandise and would like to shop for stead of several comparable choices. So I highly recommend you examine more facts and the price to get in-depth information about the table.
- 11.8'' - 33.5'' H x 27.6'' - 55.1'' W x 43.3'' D
- Overall Height - Top to Bottom: 11.8'' - 33.5''
- Overall Width - Side to Side: 27.6'' - 55.1''
- Overall Depth - Front to Back: 43.3"
- Overall Product Weight: 106 lbs
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